• Garbage rotting in landfills increases the risk of soil, water and air pollution; and creates the greenhouse gas methane.

  • Public events ex: Festivals, Public Celebrations generate a lot of waste which goes to the landfill;

  • The YKFM manages its waste such that 95% of its waste is composted and diverted from the landfill;



  • The YKFM requires that all disposable items used by YKFM vendors are compostable. Ex: Dinnerware, cups, utensil, straws, napkins;

  • 10 compost bins are set up next to the garbage cans on site. Each bin Each bin has a sign illustrating most of the compostable containers used at the market

  • Volunteers man waste stations and ask patrons separate their garbage and compost into separate bins.

  • At the end of each market, the program coordinator and contracted compost assistant sort waste into garbage and compost, weigh each and calculate the waste diversion rate. The goal of each market is to achieve a diversion rate of 95%


  • YKFM encourages patrons to bring their own dinnerware to the Market through the Loyalty Card Program. Individuals who wish to participate can request a loyalty card from the info tent, every time they purchase food using their own container the market staff at the info table will initial their card. People who bring their own containers/cutlery 5 times throughout the market season win a $20 market voucher.

Composting and waste reduction make a difference!

The Yellowknife Farmers Market appreciates the cooperation and participation of vendors, patrons, and the community as a whole in reducing the waste produced at market. For more information on the YKFM Waste Reduction and Compost Program, take a look at the resources below.